
AJPF Going Virtual

Due to the second temporary semi lockdown of Jakarta and its surrounding suburbs and cities which indirectly caused us logistical and administrative issues.

Therefore, in the best interest of the everyone, the participants, production location and production team, we decided to go virtual this year.

Thank you for joining us this year!

Watch again on our YouTube
 AJPF Virtual 2020 Replay!

The AJPF Lucky Draw winners has been announced. You can now check our social media for updates!

Winners will be contacted by AJPF Team for more details.

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Maluku in Global Solidarity

Virtual World

The world is now living in a new condition (new normal). This condition reduces the distance between various nations around the world. Therefore, it gives us all one denominator; we need the virtual world even more in carrying out our daily lives, including re-planning all aspects of life, so that we can continue to live on this planet earth.


From the living room, in their respective homes, netizens can communicate with the rest of the world using the many plugins and new technology applications available to help adapt to today's world conditions.

World to Homes

Netizens (citizens of the virtual world) can watch various shows directly from their respective homes. Netizens can choose to join various workshops, discussions, and musical performances by various artists from around the world.

Going Virtual

Due to high demand, we decided to revive the festival in 2020. The coronavirus pandemic forces us to cancel all plans for our usual off-air performances. However, the rapid development of virtual world technology encourages us to be more creative and think out of the ordinary. We will not let the pandemic stop us from reviving the festival.

Leap Higher

We will do AJPF virtually. We not only want to continue bringing nations to Indonesia, especially to the East. We will also bring INDONESIA, especially Maluku, to the rest of the world, virtually.

Why Maluku?

Maluku is an archipelago province that is blessed by the Creator with abundant and diverse natural resources, both on land and in the sea.

93% of the province is waters and only 7% consists of land, with a stretch of more than “a thousand” beautiful islands.

With Maluku’s population of less than 2 million people in proportion to its area and natural resources, they certainly provide a general calculation that Maluku should be the “leading” province and region in Indonesia and even the world, which has been proven in the history of the map of “spices” and marine products; ready to be synergised with the potential of human resources (HR) including in the fields of culture, arts and creative economy, as well as capital and technology resources to build an advance, peaceful, inclusive, cultural, prosperous and sustainable Maluku.

AJPF 2020 Endorsed By:

Maluku is the main reason why Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1522) and Sebastian Elcano (1476-1526), traveled around the earth for “the first circumnavigation of the Earth”, around 500 years past. Maluku is the reason why Indo-nesus (Islands in the Indian Ocean) was discovered, which is now known as Indonesia.

Several of the sons of Maluku joined President Soekarno at the beginning of the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia, such as:

  • Dr. GA Siwabessy – BATAN
  • Johannes Latuharhary – Meester in de Rechten
  • A.M. Sangaji
  • Dr. Johannes Leimena

Within the span of Maluku’s long historical potential, Maluku with effective and appropriate support from the central government should be able to realise its prosperity, can become a model area or a pilot area for regions in Indonesia that have successfully developed regions, their population and territories, realising the figure of Maluku “gemah ripah loh jinawi, which means contribution to the unitary republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and even the world.

Our Story

How it all started since 2009

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We believe in our motto – Build Generation, Build Nation. Through art and music, we bring people closer, building the great next generation, to build a stronger nation.

Music heals, music is everything.
That is the reason why Ambon Jazz Plus Festival comes along.

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